APGExtreme Super Concrete is a fast and easy system for grinding and polishing concrete surfaces, without the use of coatings. Thanks to our technical and research development department it is now possible to change a standard concrete floor into a hygienic, traffic and wear resistant, beautiful surface that is easy to maintain. This system has been implemented by factories and firms all over the world for commercial, industrial and domestic buildings. Due to the high performance of Super Concrete, this system of polishing and grinding is becoming more desirable in comparison to the use of coatings such as wax, resins or paints.
Characteristics of the super concrete system:
- Achieve a surface finish similar to terrazzo or marble
- Increased abrasion and impact resistance
- Up to 8 times more resistant to wear via foot-traffic
- Eliminates marking and damage to the surface via heavy machinery such as forklifts
- Completely flat and smooth surface finish
- Hygienic with no VOC emissions
- Recreate a traditional looking floor with a modern process